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Help your child flourish by developing the tools that boost well-being
Help your child flourish by developing the tools that boost well-being

To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner:

Help her flourish by developing the tools that boost well-being.

Positive psychology is the scientific study of the factors that enable individuals and communities to flourish and achieve well-being. Well-being not only feels good: it has been proven to make people happier, healthier and more successful in all aspects of life.

Dr. Martin P. Seligman, the founder of positive psychology and author of the book Flourish, discovered, through scientific research, the five building blocks that enable flourishing:

  1. Positive Emotion: Increase positive emotions by feeling grateful about the past, savouring the present and being hopeful about the future.


  1. Engagement: Do things that you enjoy and that bring you satisfaction.


  1. Relationships: Develop healthy relationships and social connections.


  1. Meaning: Get actively involved in something that makes a positive difference in your community or in the world.


  1. Accomplishment: Pursue activities that give you a sense of accomplishment, whether it be work, sports, games or hobbies.