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An Interview with Centennial Academy Teacher Laura Grimaud
An Interview with Centennial Academy Teacher Laura Grimaud

Introduce yourself and the courses you teach. What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being a teacher at Centennial Academy?

My name is Laura Grimaud and I’ve been teaching 9th grade High School French since the beginning of the 2018 school year. Being used to working in a private institution taught by nuns, I really appreciate the structured approach at Centennial Academy and the emphasis on using all our resources to help our students reach their full potential. [/row]

What are the top 3 things that you think make Centennial Academy unique?

In my opinion the top 3 things that make Centennial Academy unique are:

  1. The concentrated efforts of everyone at Centennial (administration, specialists and teachers) to work together to achieve a common goal.
  2. The support and consistency with which we implement our teaching methods.
  3. The technology that is available to help us make our classes more interesting.

Tell me about one of your favorite teaching memories/story?

One of my favourite teaching memories is a student is able to move from point A to point B and significantly manages to increase his or her average by the end of a school year. The joy and self-esteem he or she experiences go a long way in emphasizing the essential role that teachers play in the school. We can’t save the world, but we can improve some students’ worlds through by supporting him or her in school.

What do you think your students like the most about you?

My desire to help them succeed, as well as my maternal involvement.

Describe a typical classroom experience or a typical day at Centennial?

When students are motivated by their routine and it leads them to a better understanding of more complex notions with openness and a desire to learn.

Describe in your own words the Centennial Academy Approach and how UDL really works.

A commitment to quality education that is first and foremost aligned with the sustainable goals and changes recommended by UNESCO. The principles of UDL are part of a framework in which students have a commitment and act in a manner that’s consistent with their commitment, making it possible for them to excel and understand the goal behind education.