The article “L’anxiété chez les jeunes en très forte hausse” by Pierre Saint-Arnaud (La Presse canadienne), published the 26th of October in Le Devoir reports concerns voiced by “L’Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec” regarding the increase in anxiety and stress in children and adolescents. They cite that 37% of Quebec youths are now impacted […]
Teach your child a few tried-and-tested tricks for managing pressure
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Teach her a few tried-and-tested tricks for managing pressure. It’s normal for your child to feel pressure when she sits down to write and exam. The important thing is not to buckle under that pressure. In their book Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing […]
Be sure that your child spends time outdoors a few times a week, as it reduces stress and improves concentration
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Be sure he spends time outdoors a few times a week, as it reduces stress and improves concentration. End-of year exams are fast approaching, and they will inevitably be a major source of stress for most students. One very simple thing you can do that […]
Encourage your child to harness the power of passion and perseverance
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Encourage her to harness the power of passion and perseverance. In their book, U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life), Dan Lerner and Dr. Alan Schlechter explain the roles that passion and perseverance play in achieving success. Here are some practical ways in […]
Teach your child to cultivate happiness and positivity
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Teach him to cultivate happiness and positivity. In their book, U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life), Dan Lerner and Dr. Alan Schlechter provide lots of research-based advice on how to thrive in school, at work and in life. One of the things […]
Ensure that your child makes time for aerobic activity every day
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Ensure that she makes time for aerobic activity every day. Throughout the month of May, I will be providing tips based on the book U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life). It was written by Dan Lerner and Dr. Alan Schlechter, who team-teach […]
Ensure that video games are not interfering with your child’s sleep
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Ensure that video games are not interfering with his sleep. Many teenagers – and up to 75% of boys – regularly play video games, whether on a computer, smartphone or game console. Studies have shown that the more time a teen spends playing video games, […]
Create optimal conditions for quality sleep
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Create optimal conditions for quality sleep. Teenagers need eight to ten hours of quality sleep every night to maintain a healthy body and mind. Here are some ways in which you can create optimal sleeping conditions for your child – and yourself! Create a sleep-friendly […]
Create a healthy sleep cycle for your child by controlling her exposure to screens
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Create a healthy sleep cycle for her by controlling her exposure to screens. In his article The Science of Sleep, published in the August 2018 issue of National Geographic magazine, Michael Finkel talks about the amazing journey our mind takes while we sleep, and how […]
Foster your child’s ability to exercise self-control.
To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner: Foster his ability to exercise self-control. The teenage brain is incredibly plastic and ripe for learning. As Dr. Laurence Steinberg explains in his book Age of Opportunity, this makes adolescence both a vulnerable time (because the brain can be damaged by harmful experiences) and a […]