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Boost your child’s sense of well-being by using positive language when you speak to her
Boost your child’s sense of well-being by using positive language when you speak to her

To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner:

Boost her sense of well-being by using positive language when you speak to her.

Your child’s well-being is undoubtedly one of your top priorities: you want your child to be happy, confident, content, fulfilled, balanced, kind, healthy, and satisfied.

In his book Flourish, positive psychology expert Martin E. P. Seligman provides examples, from his own research, of the power of positive talk on the well-being of individuals.

In the corporate world, his research showed that companies thrive when there is at least a 2.9 to 1 ratio of positive to negative statements. For couples, the same research showed that a 2.9 to 1 positivity ratio was not nearly high enough to ensure happiness. In fact, couples whose communication contained a 2.9 to 1 ratio of positive to negative statements were headed toward divorce! A ratio of 5 positive statements for every negative statement was shown to be the minimum to predict conjugal stability.

Think of what this means in terms of how you should communicate with your child. You can play a big role in your child’s well-being by noticing her strengths, appreciating her gifts and focusing on speaking positively to her.