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Teach your child a time management habit that only takes five minutes per day.
Teach your child a time management habit that only takes five minutes per day.

To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner:

Teach him a time management habit that only takes five minutes per day.

Time management is about much more than cramming as much work as possible into a limited time period. Planning-out your tasks can actually reduce a lot of unnecessary stress. As Georgetown University professor Cal Newport points-out, it’s exhausting to have deadlines and obligations floating around in your mind all the time. In his book, How to Become a Straight-A Student, Newport suggests a time management system that helps achieve a healthy work-life balance and that only requires five to ten minutes of effort per day. Here is how it works:

  1. Create your calendar:         Use some sort of calendar (online or printed) into which you enter your activities, chores, and assignment deadlines, as well as dates on which to start those assignments.
  2. Create your daily to-do list:     Every morning, consult your calendar and write-down a daily schedule that maps-out when you have activities and when you will work on your chores and assignments (it can be as simple as a piece of paper).
  3. Manage your to-do-list:      During the day, cross-off what you have accomplished and write-down any new chores, assignments and deadlines that come up.
  4. Update your calendar:        In the evening, consult your to-do list and add any new chores, assignments and deadlines to your calendar. Next, switch the date of anything you did not accomplish that day to a new date in your calendar.
  5. Create a new to-do-list:      The next morning, create your new to-do-list based on your updated calendar.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 every day! Good routines become good habits, which set you up for success.