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Encourage her to make her bed every morning
Encourage her to make her bed every morning

To help your child become an autonomous and resilient learner:

Encourage her to make her bed every morning.

In his book entitled “Make Your Bed,” former U.S. Navy Seal William H. McRaven explains ten important life lessons that he learned during his rigorous training. Lesson #1 is: “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” In other words, you need to learn how to do the little things in life right if you want to learn how to do the bigger things in life right.

Beginning your day by making your bed helps you establish a routine. It can be considered the first task in your daily schedule and is quick to do and tick-off your list. It therefore helps students build autonomy and can give them a small sense of accomplishment at the very start of their day.

What’s more, as McRaven points-out, even if the rest of your day goes badly, you at least have a welcoming bed to come back to!