No Hands Up!
At Centennial we’ve created and perfected a better way to learn. Our “Coached Development Model” to teaching is unique and innovative. Students follow the Quebec government curriculum, only broken down into manageable, coachable steps that allow for greater student learning and comprehension. Learning strategies are taught, coached and supported throughout their high school experience, so they can confidently go on to CEGEP and University.
Our teachers are trained at Centennial to implement our approach to learning and go through a specialized in-house program. The teachers create and maintain a predictable and routine learning environment and method of teaching whereby students know what to expect, and what is expected of them.
Here are four of our core strategies:
We focus on learning that ultimately lead to grades. When effective learning behaviours are mastered, grades will follow.
We’ve created, adopted and perfected a better way to learn through our coached learning development process. Traditional classrooms employ a medical model where students with learning difficulties or other challenges have a “problem” that must be individually addressed by a specialist outside the classroom.
Not at Centennial Academy.
Instead, we focus on effectively teaching all students through a structured, school-wide approach. Students in all classes automatically receive the required accommodations, learning strategies, and targeted feedback. Considered a social learning model, we pioneered the use of the Coached Learning Development Model and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles – making learning inclusive for all students. Additional accommodations may be required on an individual basis.
Modelled after athletic coaching programs and adopted by many elite American universities, we consistently focus on coaching and learning, individual feedback, structure and repetitive routines – with every teacher in every class, using the same approach and language.
Traditional teaching fails students who need to learn in a different way. At Centennial we have designed our own teaching program and train all our teachers to systematically apply our learning models and principles – this means that all teachers of all subjects and grades, apply the same Coached Learning Development Model so that students – regardless of diagnosis – receive consistent and structured coaching to foster learning.